Abstract expressionism, without preconceptions, is an adventure.
Reaching, Seeking
March 2021
65 1/8 x 58 1/16 x 1 3/4”
Oil on braced canvas w/ appliques, 2-craters, 3-projections, 2-linear bump projections, fabric, fiber, paper, horse hair, sand, grit
Reaching, Seeking is a 3-D piece that combines painting, collage and sculpture. Reaching, Seeking is the last in a triptych series of same-sized canvases consisting of Parched and Five Parting Souls. Collectively they represent meditations on the human condition and the predicaments we find ourselves facing. Parched has its’ basis in the Climate Crisis and Five Parting Souls is a response to terrorist bombings of public spaces. With aquatic suggestions, Reaching, Seeking suggests an openness to a spiritual solution to mankind’s global troubles.
Products and materials used in this painting:
10 oz. cotton duck canvas, Blick Master Acrylic Gesso (suitable for use priming canvas for oil paintings), Gamblin Artist’s Oil Colors, Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour, Grumbachier Artists’ Oil Colors – Pre-tested, Winsor & Newton Liquin – Original (medium used to set up paint), Walnut oil, Gamblin Gamsol mineral spirits, double wall plastic plant pot saucer, plastic frisbee, oak dowels, pine bracing & liner forms, stainless and steel screws, exterior wood glue, wood filler, gauze, horse tail & body hair, paper, sand, fabric, fiber, grit.
View slideshow of painting process below: