Lost Wisdom

This glossy abstract has textural paint chip inclusions, sanded to reveal various colors.  Sweeping orange shapes among a foreboding black background set off five roughly circular shapes done in gun metal blue.  A dowel positioned on a brace behind the face, presses the back of the canvas to distort the surface with what I call a protrusion; my first use of this device.  The canvas becomes a foray into 3D sculpture… of sorts.




Title: Lost Wisdom  Artist: Trisha M. Shattuck  Date: 2/14/2013  Size: 16 1/8 x 28 1/8 x 1 1/4″  Size: 41.0 x 71.4  x 3.2 cm  Materials: Primed 10 oz. cotton duck canvas, braced medium duty stretcher bars, oak dowel presses against reinforced canvas, paint chips added for texture.  Medium: Oil & liquin resin.  Framed in somber black.